In 2011 the girls and I accompanied my husband on a business trip to Port Douglas. I know—a tough gig, right? One of the many highlights was visiting the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary in Kuranda. It was there we learned that when butterflies are in the stage of metamorphosis they are referred to as a chrysalis.Continue reading “Metamorphosis”
Category Archives: Plentylife Blog
That we may have peace…
It’s been a whole school term since I last sat here and put fingers to keys. And much has happened in our world during this time. We have seen the rise of the COVID-19 virus and the foregrounding of the Black Lives Matter movement. Astonishing and distressing images have been broadcast through our screens fromContinue reading “That we may have peace…”
Easter Vigil: A Testimony
This post is an abridged version of the testimony given by one of our Parish Council members, Lia Ray, during our Easter Sunday Worship Service on the 12th of April this year. My favourite Christian liturgy is the Easter vigil, and this year I feel deeply saddened by not being part of one. I firstContinue reading “Easter Vigil: A Testimony”
The Stones Will Cry Out: A Palm Sunday Reflection
On Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday, as some know it) we consider Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem the week before he is crucified. Jesus’s disciples, like many of the pilgrims arriving into Jerusalem for the Passover Feast, are expecting that his arrival will herald a new era where he will heal the sick, raiseContinue reading “The Stones Will Cry Out: A Palm Sunday Reflection”
The Lord our God is with us
One of the most well-known characters of the Old Testament is Moses, and understandably so. His story tells of princesses and river rescues, burning bushes and holy ground, parting waters and stone tablets, and leading the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to freedom. But not so much attention is given to Moses’s second-in-command, Joshua,Continue reading “The Lord our God is with us”
Our Calling: Luke 5 and 6
Good morning, friends. As you head into the weekend you might like to take some time to ponder the prompts offered at the end of the message last Sunday. The prompts are below and, for those who missed it, a link to the message is here. Read Luke 5:1-11 and Luke 6:17-31 Prompts to consider:Continue reading “Our Calling: Luke 5 and 6”
Sabbath Reflection #8: Everyday Sabbath
Across Plentylife’s Sabbath Month my one-year-old Labrador puppy and I have established a new routine: every morning at 6:30am we go for a walk. We walk for about forty-five minutes to an hour as the sun rises and the birds awaken and stretch their wings. There are several different routes that we choose from; someContinue reading “Sabbath Reflection #8: Everyday Sabbath”
Sabbath Reflection #7: Persistence
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 25:1-6 Take some time to read Jeremiah 25:1-6 (or even the whole chapter) and make a note of what stands out to you. What does the reading tell you about God the Father, Son and Spirit? What does it tell you about people and/or yourself? Reflection (Adapted from Run with the Horses,Continue reading “Sabbath Reflection #7: Persistence”
Sabbath Reflection #6: Spiritual Disciplines
In 1980 theologian Richard Foster wrote Celebration of Discipline, a book that explores spiritual disciplines. Based on the notion that ‘deep calls to deep’ (Psalm 42:7), Foster’s text invites us to respond to the call for deeper, fuller living. He outlines the following four inward disciplines as a pathway to such living. Prayer Of allContinue reading “Sabbath Reflection #6: Spiritual Disciplines”
Sabbath reflection #5: Living by the Spirit
Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:13-26 Take some time to read Galatians 5:13-26 (or even the whole chapter) and make a note of what stands out to you. What does the reading tell you about God the Father, Son and Spirit? What does it tell you about people and/or yourself? Reflection Contrasting a list of vices againstContinue reading “Sabbath reflection #5: Living by the Spirit”
Sabbath Reflection #4: Rest vs Escapism
What do we choose to do during our leisure time? Some of us will have some go-to relaxation activities, like sport or reading or a creative hobby of some kind. Others amongst us are so exhausted that our natural reaction after a time of busyness or stress is to just shut down and become passive.Continue reading “Sabbath Reflection #4: Rest vs Escapism”
Sabbath Reflection #3: Reclaiming the Sabbath
Scripture Reading: Matthew 12:1-12 Take some time to read Matthew 12:1-12 and make a note of what stands out to you. What does the reading tell you about God the Father, Son and Spirit? What does it tell you about people and/or yourself? Reflection When it comes to considering Jesus and the Sabbath, Matthew 12:1-12Continue reading “Sabbath Reflection #3: Reclaiming the Sabbath”
Sabbath Reflection #2: Resting in God
Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 says: ‘By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.’ Note that it doesn’t say ‘God rested because he was tired’…because He wasn’t. He’s God – the all-powerful, almighty, never-grows-weary God. He rested because itContinue reading “Sabbath Reflection #2: Resting in God”
Sabbath Reflection #1: ‘I am God’
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 46 Take some time to read Isaiah 46 and make a note of what stands out to you. What does the reading tell you about God the Father, Son and Spirit? What does it tell you about people and/or yourself? Reflection The book of Isaiah provides a tremendous vision of God andContinue reading “Sabbath Reflection #1: ‘I am God’”