Good morning, friends. As you head into the weekend you might like to take some time to ponder the prompts offered at the end of the message last Sunday. The prompts are below and, for those who missed it, a link to the message is here.
Read Luke 5:1-11 and Luke 6:17-31
Prompts to consider:
1. In what ways do I seek the following?
- Wealth
- Sustenance and comfort
- Power (or, perhaps, strength)
- Happiness
- The assurance that I have worth
2. Do I need to confess that I seek these things from the world rather than from God?
3. What does it look like to seek these things in the kingdom of God?
4. How might God be calling me to use my work/skills/abilities for his purposes?
5. Do I ever fulfil my potential rather than my calling? That is, do I follow my own vocational ambitions rather than responding to what God is calling me to do?
6. What does discipleship mean to me? Where do I think God is calling me to move forward in my discipling journey at this point in time?
– Kirrily