Gospel Communities

The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42

Creating a welcoming space that engages across ages and faith stages

Sharing meals, our gifts and resources as we embrace life together as part of God’s family

Loving one another as Christ first loved us; being honest and accountable as we share our lives together, repenting from sin and sharing grace

Providing opportunities for discussion and questions as we creatively engage with the Bible and allow his word to shape every area of our lives

Prioritising hearing from God when we gather, sharing our joys and our burdens with Jesus and listening for his words of love and guidance

Preparing and supporting one another as we join in with what God is doing around us – in the lives of others, our neighbourhoods and the world

Open and invitational in nature, Gospel Communities will grow with new members, as well as in faith and maturity, leading to the opportunity to plant new Gospel Communities