
Sunday the 23rd of April will be a day of Prayer and Fasting for Plentylife

Here’s how we’re inviting you to participate:

  • Go without food (and/or something else like your phone or electricity) starting from when you wake up on Sunday morning and extending for a time of your choosing.
  • Replace the times where you would normally eat with a time of prayer. Families with younger children might like to use the Lectio For Families app to help with these times.
  • At times when you feel hungry, take a moment to pray as you go about your day.
  • Break your fast with people from Plentylife. You can organise your own gathering or click here to join a pre-organised afternoon tea (bring some food to share). When you break the fast, talk with each other about your experience; what did you find challenging? What did you find beneficial? How did God answer your prayers?

Questions to ask God during the day:

  • What does the next season look like for Plentylife?
  • Lord, what are you doing in my life/community and how can I get involved?
  • Could you please help <insert names here> know that you love them?
  • Bring your own questions to the Lord. What do you need to grieve, repent of, seek guidance for?

Important things to note:

  • Please do not put your health at risk by fasting. If you have a health conditions where you need to eat, please fast from something other than food. Likewise if you have grappled with an eating disorder, past or present, please fast from something other than food.
  • Continue to drink water while you fast.
  • Parents, please adapt these guidelines in age appropriate ways for your family.

Click here to read a helpful article on fasting.