Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 says: ‘By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.’ Note that it doesn’t say ‘God rested because he was tired’…because He wasn’t. He’s God – the all-powerful, almighty, never-grows-weary God. He rested because it is an inherently good thing to do.
Also note that this occurred the day after Adam and Eve were created.
‘So, Eve, it’s our first full day alive. What’s on the agenda for today?’
‘Well, Adam, it seems like we get to rest.’
Essentially, God and humankind started their time together in a place of rest.
But, let’s face it, sometimes we have trouble entering into a time of rest with God. We know it is valuable but, because of the culture around us, we come to view rest in general as a weakness or a hinderance to success. Perhaps we fear what might happen if we take our eyes off of work – we fear what people might do or think in our absence. But this kind of thinking often shows that we operate out of a place of fear rather than a calling to be the kind of people God created us to be – people who know how to rest in and with Him.
Rest is a chance to down-tools and do something other than work – something of leisure. To ‘walk in the cool of the evening’ with God for a while. Rest is something God Himself chose to do, knowing its value and capacity to bring fulfilment and contentment.
If you struggle to allow your heart and mind to rest in God, even when you are on holidays, here are some suggestions of things you might like to try[1]. You could try these by yourself or discuss them with family and friends.
- Read Philippians 4:8 and reflect on things that are just, pure, and pleasing.
- Start a gratitude journal and, at the end of each day, write down things for which you are thankful. Write your entries as a prayer or letter to God.
- Read Colossians 3:1-4 and imagine a future that transcends the current problems of this world.
- Read 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 and ask God to help you to reframe current troubles as small within an eternal timescale.
- Spend time reading the Psalms: Psalms 62, 91 and 116 are good starting points. Perhaps you might like to write a Psalm of your own to God.
- Think about the ways in which you seek rest. If there is something that seems to offer you rest, but it does not have the heart of God at its core, repent of it.
Ensure that your rest practices, whatever they are, will draw you into a deeper experience of God’s love and faithfulness.
– Kirrily
[1] Some of these ideas are taken from: